Hello There. My name is...

Mars Santoso

And here is a list of my portfolio selections.


Necktie is a demo web app that allows users to make a doctor's appointment as well as search for available doctors.

It is built with Nuxt and deployed in a Docker container.

Screen cap of Necktie
View Necktie


Quite self-explanatory, Dineinorder is a mobile-first web app that allows users to order food from a restaurant via a QR code. Restaurant owners can also manage their place in the same app. It also has an integrated payment gateway system.

It is built with Nuxt and Supabase, and is deployed in a Docker container.

Screen cap of Dineinorder's Landing Page Screen cap of Dineinorder's App Screen cap of Dineinorder
View Dineinorder (B2B Landing Page)


Wacks is a simple O2O platform that bridges between a seller and their offline customers to allow purchases via instant messaging app. It is built with Nuxt and Google Sheet.

The application is hosted in Vercel.

Screen cap of Wacks' Home Page Screen cap of Wacks' Cart Page Screen cap of Wacks' QR Page
View Wacks


fafi.foo a POC for a personal collection of browser-based online board games.

It is built with React, Vite, TypeScript, and boardgame.io. The application is hosted in Vercel.

Screen cap of fafi.foo
View fafi.foo


This page you're seeing right now. It contains a brief introduction of me and a list of my portfolio selections. It also hosts my latest résumé.

It is built with plain HTML and CSS to remind us of our roots. It is also hosted using a good ol' Nginx.

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